Supermoon After Care 3K and Pre-K » Supermoon After Care 3K and Pre-K

Supermoon After Care 3K and Pre-K

Dear PS 88 3K and PreK families,
Supermoon Afterschool is available for 3K & PreK students, and is offered in the PreK wing at PS 88. Students are brought to us by their classroom teachers, and they enjoy playtime, art-making, and outside time until 5:30pm. Pick up is from the main entrance to the school, by the security desk.
Full-time enrollment is $600/mo, or part-time enrollment (with a fixed schedule of 2 or 3 days a week) is $35/day. We are in the process of getting our ACS program number from ACS so that we can accept vouchers from families that have them.
Families that are interested in enrolling can fill out this form (there is space there for any questions or special requests), and someone from Supermoon will reach out with next steps during the week of August 19th.